Campaign Committee Campaign Committee

Durango groups call lodgers tax a ‘landmark effort’

After 18 months of negotiation – and for the first time in 40 years – Durango is asking residents to vote on the proposed increase during the April 6 municipal election. The tax is not paid by Durango residents, but by people staying in hotels and motels.

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Campaign Committee Campaign Committee

A 'grand bargain'

“This time around, working with the Council, I feel like we have something that’s for the benefit of the community,” Jasper Welch, chairman of the 1-A initiative effort and longtime local business leader, said. “I think that’s important. I think we need to look at, long-term, how do we sustain Durango and keep what we all enjoy and still have a vibrant economy.”

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Campaign Committee Campaign Committee

Proposed Durango lodgers tax increase to make April ballot

The tax is not paid by Durango residents, but by people staying at hotels, motels and temporary vacation rentals. Durango City Council, with support from local stakeholders groups, voted Tuesday to raise the tax to 5.25% from its current rate of 2%, in perpetuity.

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Campaign Committee Campaign Committee

Durango lodgers tax increase would fund marketing, transit and arts

The community has tried multiple times since the 1990s to increase the tax. The latest attempt launched with the combined efforts of groups like Visit Durango, the Durango Creative District and the Durango Area Hospitality and Lodging Association.

In a 4-1 decision Tuesday, City Council directed staff members to craft ballot language asking voters to increase the lodgers tax to 5.25%.

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